In this write up, the readers will get information on future technology and learn to what extent modern technology has been developed to assist the growth of human civilization. Technology research articles provide rich information about components of technology, and their affect upon scientific practices. Scientists are allowed by the advancements in technology to analyse the human genome intricacies, which has given benefit to scientific research by indicating the genes which predispose a person for a disease. Choosing a specific area that you desire to research will help you in finding research articles more efficiently. You can understand and evaluate the technology article more efficiently if you will have information about the topic. Infrastructure in the society has grown with the help of science and technology. In the past, almost everything was analog but thanks to the science and technology we are now being digitalized by the day. Without society then there would be no science and technology and that is why the invention of certain tools and equipment have helped achieve big things. Many people around the world take for example scholars in colleges and universities have taken the lead examining the relationship between science and technology. The reason is that people need to recognize that there are people who are affected by the science and technology. Controversies such as modified foods, stem cell research are the issues that have brought policy makers and scientists together to have a way forward on this. Science and technology has actually largely contributed to the vision of man about himself. Science has been modified the opinion about the origin of man and place of origin too. Experiments in science today are in one way or another affecting the for example the experiment on cloning a human being. The rapid technological advancement will make technology more convenient and usable. Now, it is better to say to what extent science and technology have been acceptable to the present generation. In comparison to conventional devices and equipment, future technology news states that ultramodern devices are more workable and powerful in their functionality. According to scientists and researchers, modern technology can make modification and upgrading of common things for their proper usage applying modern methods. The world will be more glamorous and attractive with newer technology and without any trace of carbon footprint. If you check future technology news, you will find that there are newly launched products and technical accessories which have multifunctional features. According to future technology news nature will be completely protected from pollution using these new technologies as it will not produce any lethal or hazardous chemical solvents or gasoline products into the air. In the sphere of the telecommunication, future and modern technology is very powerful and has contributed extensively for the betterment of the communication system. Future technology news say that this robotic structure will be sent to out of the planet to strengthen the communication system. Future technology will bring a lot more inventions and accessories to upgrade human lifestyles. The scientists believe that modern science is very effective to make the world green. Future technology must be more user friendly and should not hamper the natural growth of the human race. Science is a boon and man needs to utilize this for the overall development of the world. Scientists are trying to create technology that will be beneficial to the earth as well. There are countless sites filled with informative short articles all over the Internet. Videos and music can now be seen on demand and news from across the world can be delivered in an instant. Any business that does not adapt and grow to keep up with the newest technology seriously risks being left behind in the wake of their competitors who choose to ride technology's leading edge. In 1995, 14 percent of Year 12 secondary school mathematics students studied advanced mathematics, while 37 percent studied elementary mathematics, according to the Australian Mathematical Science Institute. The Australian Mathematical Science Institute revealed that basic mathematics was growing in popularity among secondary students to the detriment of intermediate or advanced studies. There have also been reduced intakes in teacher training colleges and university teacher education departments in mathematics programs, which have resulted in many low-income or remote secondary schools without higher level mathematics teachers, which further resulted in fewer science courses or the elimination of specific topics from courses. An October 2011 report from the Georgetown University's Centre on Education and the Workforce confirmed the high demand for science graduates, and that STEM graduates were paid a greater starting salary than non-science graduates. The Australian Mathematical Science Institute said the demand for doctorate graduates in mathematics and statistics will rise by 55 percent by 2020 (on 2008 levels). Chubb promotes a two-pronged approach to the dilemma: 1. science education: enhancing the quality and engagement of science teaching in schools and universities; and 2. science workforce: the infusion of science communication into mainstream consciousness to promote the advantages of scientific work. Specifically, Chubb calls for creative and inspirational teachers and lecturers, as well as an increase in female academics, for positive role modeling, and to set science in a modern context. Instead of restructuring and changing the curriculum, he advocates training teachers to create ways to make mathematics and science more relevant to students' lives. Communicating about science in a more mainstream manner is also critical to imparting the value of scientific innovation. Chubb is a fan of social media to bring science into the mainstream and to change people's perception of science careers and scientists. Social media can also bring immediacy to the rigor, analysis, observation and practical components of science. In practical terms, the recent findings on student attitudes to STEM subjects, their perception of scientific work, and the flow of STEM graduates to their field of expertise, may be improved by positively changing the way governments, scientists, and educators communicate science on a day-to-day level. The scientific approach to research is responsible for development of technology. Technology is the ability for man to make tasks easier to perform through a highly sets of scientific applications which build on interrelatedness of many basic principles. It is true that technology these days must be viewed in terms of the changes brought into the existing communication systems through the computer. Science has contributed largely to this since it is through continued research that new machines are being unveiled. When trying to answer the question 'What is the meaning of science and technology?' we have to view science as the study of the natural world while technology has to be viewed as the study of how to manipulate the natural world in order to suit man. This relationship is best understood through Science and Technologies Studies (STS). They have proved to be very useful tool in the processes of science and technology. Science has helped us in building multi-storeyed buildings and elevators (lifts) help us to reach even the top floors within no time and that too without straining our legs. Computers and internet system help mankind in information technology to a great extent. Today's schools in information sciences and technology courses boast of foundation business courses to go along with technology studies, which is helpful for professionals. The Tepper School of Business lent its expertise to IT students which gave birth to its much heralded management science scheme which is the model that most IT courses in other universities are trying to emulate. JMU's Computer Information Systems track blends business and computer studies into a great whole. The course focuses on how the professional will take the business further with the use of technology. JMU's CIS chairman Richard Mathieu said that the course focuses on how the business and the end-user will regard technology in business through seamless collaboration and teamwork. The result is staggering as most graduates find themselves working in top fields in information technology as some find work in financial services. In a large country like India, where most of the population is uneducated, the role of science in dissemination of education through television cannot be denied. Science has also contributed the most advanced and well equipped laboratories for students to learn and conduct practicals. The greatest and most significant achievement of science in this regard is launching internet. Science has given him options to study various new fields in the research and development of science itself. Science has helped the students to travel all across the world not only for pleasure but to educate himself about various wonders of nature and see historical places. It was established in 1932 by the colonial government, but commenced studies in 1934. Apart from the Universities, the Polytechnics or Colleges of Technology and Monotechnics are the post-secondary/ tertiary level institutions for the training of technicians/ technologists. The Polytechnic Education: - This Educational system operate a two-tier programme of studies broken into the National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) levels. A. The provision of trained manpower in engineering, applied science, technology and commerce at all professional grades. F. Enable men and women to have an intellectual understanding of the increasing complexity of technology and the role technology plays in the world around them. First, we will survey and collect plant species currently growing on contaminated sites and assess the plants and rhizosphere microorganisms for their ability to enhance biodegradation of petroleum contaminants in laboratory and greenhouse studies. Using information from the on-site survey and data from the other studies, we will conduct field studies to evaluate the appropriate plants and management systems to enhance phytoremediation of petroleum-contaminated sites. Eromosele Wilcox a Chartered Chemist, member of national and International Professional Bodies, He has written many articles in the areas of Chemistry, Physics and even Philosophy. The science and technology has been responsible for the development of: agriculture, communications, credit facilities, electricity, education, health, housing, infrastructure, industries, transportation, etc. The utilisation of technology has enhanced the production and productivity of several crops thus improving the quality of life of most of the farmers and also the supply of several commodities in the markets. The quality of life of many farmers has improved due to the effective utilisation of science and technology. Similarly, in the education sector too, the impact of the developments in science and technology is highly commendable. Technology in education has been enhancing the learning skills of the students at various levels. For instance, several security checks at the airports do utilise the latest developments in technology to prevent any untoward incidents. The history of science as knowledge dates back from ancient times when natural philosophers such as Thales of Miletus and Democritus would observe and theorize about the occurrences in the natural world. Eventually, science gained momentum in Europe when the Protestant Reformation transpired which emphasized the value of individualism in the search for the explanation of various natural phenomena. This age of science would then be replaced with the occurrence of the Scientific Revolution three centuries ago when science developed into what it is known today. In Lewis' The Poet's Way of Knowledge, poetry was cited as one of the forms of literature and that it operates in a field which is closed to science. Therefore, literature is said to complement science because what science cannot do literature can and vice versa. This question is answered by the scientific method in which science acts as a mode of inquiry. Rights have little meaning unless they can be enforced and modern technology has made IPRs enforcement increasingly difficult. Science and technology challenge intellectual property systems, particularly patent laws. New fields such as information technology and genetic engineering force courts to decide how to apply laws made before such technologies were contemplated. First science gives us an idea, and then different experiments are carried out. Therefore, technology is the way of putting scientific inventions or theories or discoveries into practical use in trade and industries. Bio engineers at the University of California, USA, said on May 21, 2013 that they had invented a waterproof fabric which can whisk away sweat using micro fluid technology. As per a report released on May 8, 2013, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, have developed a technique to lessen smoke emissions during the process of forging steel. With its wide-angle field of view, the new technology could be used in future surveillance devices or for imaging in medical (such as endoscopic) procedures. It was created jointly by the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard. Scientists at the Carnegie Mellon University, USA, have developed a new technology that can enable users to turn any surface into a touch screen with just a wave of the hand. It provides the basis of much of modern technology - the tools, materials, techniques, and sources of power that make our lives and work easier. Research in food technology has created new ways of preserving and flavoring what we eat. In conclusion, today's generation has an increased ability to enjoy the benefits of technology and Internet due to the increased usage and reliance on technology. The destructive application of science is far more noticeable than the beneficial ones. Of the remaining, by far the majority of technology benefits our quality of life and only a very small percentage of it is destructive. These studies attributed female students lesser skills set to two statistically significant factors: 1) less experience playing with building toys and 2) having taken less drafting courses prior to the engineering program. A gender study of computer science majors at Carnegie-Mellon University (one of the preeminent computer science programs in the country) found that, overall, male students come equipped with much better computer skills than female students. Studies show that most leading computer and video games appeal to male interests and have predominantly male characters and themes, thus it is not surprising that girls are much less interested in playing them. There are a number of studies that suggest that when girls and women are provided with the building blocks they need to succeed in STEM they will do as well if not better than their male counterparts. A study done of Carnegie Mellon Computer Science PhD students found that even when male and female students were doing equally well grade wise, female students reported feeling less comfortable. Teachers in the Cisco Academy Gender Initiative study assessed the skill levels of each of their students and then provided them with individualized lesson plans to ensure their success that ran parallel to the class assignments. Research also shows that there are Mars/Venus differences between the genders and how each engages in technology. Overall, girls and women are excited by how the technology will be used its application and context. The Carnegie-Mellon Study took into account the differences of what engages female students and modified the Computer Science programs curriculum so that the context for the program was taught much earlier on in the semester and moved some of the more technical aspects of the curriculum (such as coding) to later in the semester. Authors observed that the female students were much more positive about getting through the tedious coding classes when they understood the purpose of it. Teachers should ensure that the context for the technology they are teaching is addressed early on in the semester by using real world stories and case studies to capture the interest of all of their students. Technology affects the way companies communicate and establish relations with their clients. Technology lets employees communicate and interact with other employees in other countries. It provides a venue to conduct studies to keep themselves ahead of competitors. Ideas that Support Authentic Science Experiences - Items that fall into this category provide resources needed for doing each phase of authentic science activities. Ideas that Support Science Concept Learning - Items in this group allow simulating and modeling of scientific processes and provide opportunities to engage in problem-solving activities. Ideas that provide Access to Science Tools - These allow access to unique tools and collections of information thereby expanding opportunities for learning. Recycling has today become a major activity the world over which has been through the intervention of science. Use of more efficient energy systems and means of disposal is how technology protects the environment. ISU was officially renamed as Iowa State University of Science & Technology in 1959. Apart from this, there are various other articles like Maytag, Blue Cheese, and the Round Hay Baler which have emerged from this prestigious institution. The university started with a small number of students and today it has reached an approximate number of twenty seven thousand students and over 100 buildings with world class programs in agriculture, technology, science and arts. One of the hottest topics for middle school science fair projects today is renewable energy in the form of solar power and wind turbines. This is probably one of the easiest and yet most eye-catching middle school science fair projects for many reasons. For one thing, you can purchase ready-made, easy-to-assemble and easy-on-the-pocket kits for solar energy and wind power science projects. Well, of course, you can always make your own experiments just so your middle school science fair projects stand out from the rest of the competition. Fishes, that is. You are basically recreating the technology of cryonics where dead fishes are placed in a state of suspended animation, which is used in Japan to preserve the freshness of the day's catch. As part of your middle school science fair projects, you can follow the example of two brothers who supposedly resurrected a dead goldfish by using Mountain Dew, water and a 9-volt battery. With these ideas for middle school science fair projects, you will definitely get the attention of the judges and do yourself, your parents and your teachers proud. For more middle school science fair projects and step-by-step instructions, visit -/ Be sure to check out the site for tons of simple science projects. In recent years, there has been a significant decline in the number of college students choosing majors in science or technology related fields.
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