If we examine it closer we would probably find additional benefits that were not added into this quick list, as this important webmarketing technique keeps changing, bringing us new improvements that help us on improving our Writing skills. When you think of it then Creative Writing And Grammar Software is actually a 'virtual assistant' that helps you to quickly identify and correct any writing problem (grammar, spelling, and punctuation) while you type your digital text. By simulating the human mind, this technology analyzes your writing by comparing it to a dynamic large database that contains proper variations of your text. Grammar writing programs enable us to: proofreading content for correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. Extra research on this solution would probably bring up additional benefits that aren't described in this article, as this exciting program keeps improving, bringing us fresh ideas and additional solutions that help us on improving our English writing and editing skills. The following solution is basically an automatic proofreading tool; this advanced Creative Writing Editing Software enables you to improve your English writing by identifying any grammatical and/or spelling problem as you write. These solutions are based on a large database, similar to spell checkers, just that here they compare your writing to proper grammatical variations of your sentences. While examining this technology we can see that most of these solutions enable the following: text editing and proofreading, correct grammar, punctuation analysis, and automatic spell checking. There are probably many other benefits that were not added into this quick list, as this webmarketing tool is constantly moving forward, bringing us fresh improvements and ideas that help us on improving our Writing performance. As I reread Levine's description of creative destruction, my mind wandered onto the topic of success. Many of us are waiting for a 'change agent', a creative destructive force that will make our lives, in the end, better. Unfortunately, the majority of people wait all their lives for such a creative force of change that never shows up. I don't need to tell you that you can't wait for a creative destructive force to make you do what needs to be done. Creative destruction for you is a commitment to stop, evaluate and redirect your energies toward your aspirations regardless of the unintended consequences. According to The National Commission on Writing, the use of technology tools can help motivate writers as technology-based writing creates some form of publishing. When you integrate technology into learning in this way, students take a much more serious approach to their writing as they understand other people will be reading it. It encourages them to reach a level of inflection and reflection regarding their work that is not normally found in the standard educational setting. Kidscribe is one such site created with the purpose of providing students writers with a forum for publishing their own writing. This site provides students with an opportunity to view writing samples without the distraction of advertisements. Is another outlet designed for a similar purpose, providing you with a useful way to integrate technology into the writing lesson. While it is not ad-free, this site provides a venue for publishing poetry and other forms of writing. Writing workshops and other tools help students to build on the skills you have help them to develop in class. You can also incorporate such lessons or workshops into your own curriculum to enhance the overall writing lesson. When poetry is the topic of the lesson, Poetry Forge, developed by the University of Virginia's Center for Technology and Teacher Education can offer support to creative writing. These tools allow you to integrate technology in the classroom that challenges your students in their understanding of simple parts of speech, complex phrases and what is necessary semantically and syntactically for language to be effective in its ability to convey meaning through poetry. A white board is a simple solution to using traditional paper when thinking of ideas. A wall mounted whiteboard is the best solution because it makes it easy to access and write on. When you have a large whiteboard on your wall you will also be able to stand and walk around while you think of ideas. This will help you to stay awake and think about any creative ideas you might have in the back of your head. You can then tangent off that main idea to come up with some great complimentary ideas. Processing - a java-family programming language and development environment promoting software literacy within the visual arts and visual literacy within technology. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply. Their work wasn't purely science or technology; though grounded in both, it was far from the simple application of formulae or solving of equations. Developers knew that you couldn't take a creative brief as a set of instructions and just translate” it into software. They saw this was a fundamental part of the overall interactive creative process, and yet a parallel, creative process of its own. At the same time, people across agencies were recognizing that their existing creative model just wasn't working out for interactive”. Outcome: creative technologists” who think that their daily use of social media, passion for digital” and pile of half-baked ideas about QR codes, mobile integration and Facebook apps constitute an entitlement to have those ideas brought to life by the still-downtrodden developers, still languishing in the dungeons of overworked production companies and in-house development teams. As a result, Creative Technology” has become watered down to the point where people fresh out of creative tech” courses need only sprinkle some of that digital ninja-dust on their resumés, and those without the requisite background, know-how and experience to sort the wheat from the chaff are none the wiser. Except for the best people, who've left the agency scene in the dust - and the audience, of course, who are left unmoved. Clearly many non-technical factors are involved, but there is one simple and concrete thing we can do: stop hiring creative technologists”. Reject compromise on this front, and resist pressure to give in to it. Only hire people to work at the crossover of creative and technology if they have strong, practical, current coding skills. They need to live and breathe this stuff, and to use the appropriate languages and tools fluently and transparently, without stopping to think about it. So if a person puts creative technologist” on their resumé, but doesn't know how to code, can't show you things they've made, and can't prove they made them by explaining why they wrote the code the way they did, don't hire them. The interactive space by definition requires the fusion of the two, and technology at the heart of creation. Ultimately, to do that you need to provide an environment that's as appealing and satisfying for extraordinary, creative software people as the one you already provide is for traditional creative folks. But it also needs to be as appealing to this new breed as their potential alternate settings at Google, Facebook, Tech Startup X. Fortunately, you have the potential to make it even more so for genuine creative coders - because they're not looking for pure engineering any more than you are. You have the creative angle covered (right?), so to get to the hybrid middle-ground, you have to allow developers the flexibility, the leeway and the time to engineer solid work - and you have to welcome the hybrid creative coders into the heart of what you do, to make a hybrid place where they feel at home, and where they can help ensure that what gets sold makes sense, and that it can be made without actually killing a team of engineers in the attempt. That's why it's most important, way before you get all that fixed, and as the first major step on that road: just don't hire creative technologists” who aren't strong coders. They need to understand the appropriate technology stack from top to bottom, know which tools are right for the job - and most of all, they must be prepared to crack their knuckles, roll up their sleeves and get their fingers into the code. You're not wrong; you've put your finger straight on the really interesting corollary, and the exact reason why creative agencies could be the most inspiring environment for creative coders, which is simply this: we have to be. With integrated interactive work ever more critical, creative agencies need to change drastically, in ways that suit perfectly those people we most need to attract. The agency as a whole has to step up to the tectonic plate and realize that not only are digital, social, interactive, gaming all here to stay, but they already permeate the entire landscape of what consumers are doing. Instead, hire the right people in the right places, and make the changes necessary to let them do what they do. Creative people who can code up a storm, and, critically, experienced people who can properly assess the code they're shown. The schools popping up offering creative technology” courses which crate a misled and further in debt group of creative technologists”. What I don't agree with is that you need to hire strong developers instead of creative thinkers who can work with strong developers. Just like creative minds come up with the best ideas because they have the perspective, exposure, and experience of marketing which developers do not. Instead it's the creative minds who live and breathe the brands they work for who know the target audience and what might make for a great digital” (starting to hate that word) campaign. In today's world there are a million ways to develop (insert list of trendy digital/social terms), and an agency shouldn't be held hostage by their interactive team. Strong developers are worth their weight in gold, and aren't being paid to come up with creative ideas. I think you are talking about an ‘ideal world' where blue skies thinking could be realised without time, budget and client understanding constraints. In reality we digital folk pull off miracles in little time and with typically 1/4 of the budget an ad agency will use to produce assets for print/video campaigns. And for some reason digital people are always consulted AFTER the fact or a creative idea has been sold into the client. Only really skilled, methodical and creative coders can dig you out of these holes! It's easy to talk about an idea - everyone thinks they have the right to be a creative in ad agencies - but the harsh reality is that ideas need to be deliverable AND consumable by the user. I'm curious what you think of a sort of copywriter/AD combo, but on a digital execution side— consider, perhaps a coder/creative combo that cross each other's lines (a creative that can code a bit, and a coder that has creative ideas). I've been in advertising for a short amount of time (it wasn't something I planned on doing), but the projects I had done before this tended to work that way—a friend of mine who was a master coder and a bit creative and me, more creative, with a bit of coding experience. I see that you'd most likely prefer all coders that have a creative blood in them, but this model has worked for me pre-advertising. As an outsider with some inside experience in the agency world, I've seen that the departmental and silo'd nature of production is the single biggest factor in digital projects ending up polished turds. I see agency producer role as inherently conflicted and the idea of holding producers accountable for development teams is stupid. The blue sky thinking that some people get into during the planning stages (it's an API, it'll be easy) fails to take into consideration the blinding moment you figure out that something has gone wrong, and that previously five minute task stretches to a day or more of research. A creative designer can design the most beautiful layout, but it takes a creative coder to put it together efficiently with the highest compatibility across all browsers and devices. Spend more money training the developers how to work in advertising rather than the other way round, give your developers a creative outlet and you might find yourself surprised. Account and creative staff are terrified of new ways of working, and will fight tooth and claw to prevent them for disrupting their cozy niches. I'm saying that I think in order to work out well, agencies are going to have to adapt, and that technology and software development is going to have to become a core part of their structure and capabilities, rather than an addendum or appendage which is seen as a necessary inconvenience, rather than fundamental to the work and the business. I'd have to say it's wrong-headed to put technology before creative, or the other way around. Real technologists, coders and engineers of many stripes who work in a creative industry.
The creative” part is important tho because in the end, working in an agency as a developer IS different than doing app dev at a financial company or in the CRM department at a manufacturer, etc. And agencies want deeper relationships with their clients and technology is moving forward in ALL business from it's past primarily business and decision support role. So creative technologists who have those skills can be the bridge between and agency and deeply engagement with creating business value for clients. I actually had the title of VP of Creative Technology in 1996 when what it meant was the management of technology for digital prepress, digital video and CD-Rom and other HyperCard and Director work. With the advent of the web and now social, mobile and the internet of things we all live through and with all kinds of technology all the time. I think you make some great points in the article, specifically about seeing through the ninja dust in search of real coding talent, as well as your thoughts about re-aligning digital's” position within the agency. My opinion is that your take on a Creative Technologist seems to come purely from the standpoint of a developer, and in this context you are spot-on. However, a true Creative technologist is not a developer, otherwise they'd call themselves developers. CTs need to be firmly grounded in strategy, marketing, and branding as much as they understand technology. Technologist sounds much more ridiculous, but at least implies one who is good at technology. The requirements of the job are the same - to be proficient when programming, eloquent when discussing feasibility or creative challenges and passionate about the future of the the craft. If the company is in the business of making creative things for people, there shouldn't be any question that everyone there is creative. I call shenanigans on the idea that the definition of a creative technologist is solely attributed to the development side of the fence. I don't understand why there is such a fierce need to equate creative technologists simply as creative developers. I mean if understand correctly you are saying don't hire a creative technologist unless they are a really good developer. When did the root definition of creative technologist equate to one that spends all day coding. However I do agree that it's all about the agency really understanding what their needs are and what type of team they are trying to build. If you think you got your creative bases covered and all you need are some code poets then go ahead and rock it out that way. What you really need is a creative person that can think multilaterally and be a creative connective tissue across the many specialists that make good digital work hard and look beautiful. I've interviewed at several shops where Creative Technologist” has been more loosely defined as Developer I Can Hire for Less”. And conversely, I've had offers from tech/production companies who know my development history, who have looked at my code & seen my work, offering positions that pay REALLY REALLY well, but have little to no interfacing with the creative side of this business. I'm sorry, but the incentive isn't there for me to let you hire me (on a dime) as a coder you say you're going to let play with creative (every now and again). If I'm going to do that, I'm going to focus on my own ideas and leave your agency's tech back in 1998 with Java. And current agency models put these folks in a dark corner, by production & accounting. You'll be there in the concepting sesh!” = Yeah, we'll let you build our ideas.” And then another branded YouTube/Twitter/Facebook mashup hits the web. The part about people thinking that simply being able to drop the names of some hot new technologies entitles them to expert technology guy” positions, whose sole purpose is to come up with cool ideas and hand them off the the code-monkeys, is so true.I graduated this spring with a master's degree from a program (whose name I will withold) with a ‘creative technology' type track. Good on Jamie for spreading that knowledge around, but for most to be proficient in all of the jobs a Creative Technologist has laid out before him/her in this pos/comment thread, he/she would need to be a master of quite a few different backgrounds (much more than just a coder). It should be up to the agency to brief new applicants on the requirements of the job and to wade through the smoke screens the so-called social media creative technologists and the like are throwing at them—the agencies are forming the teams necessary for them. Everyone in technology prefers to hire engineers who can communicate with non-engineers. I think that the real issue is that the ad world has a single standard for the application of the world creative.” Creatives” tend to be the people who generate ideas, visuals, and pitches. So of course the assumption that creative technologists” must speak exactly the same creative” language as, say, a creative director is ridiculous. Hire people who can be creative with code, versus people who can high-five the latest social media platform (news flash: it's not that hard for reasonably good developers to make stuff that interacts with social media APIs). It laid my foundation and qualifications that would make me a valuable asset to any agency team, even as the titles continue to change. Shortage of time and tight deadlines aren't exclusive to technology teams, it literally affects every person in the agency. I don't know however, it does point out the need for creative ideas to maintain their elevated status of importance in digital and throughout the agency. Creative ideas and the proficiency to leverage those ideas across all media channels that makes sense for our client's will continue to be the USP for agencies. Simply spreading an idea across every channel is nothing new; the revolution is in technology and the consumers use and motivations for use of the technology. We need ideas that can stimulate a consumer as well as provide roadmaps for engagement once the consumer decides to interact with our nonlinear integrated campaigns. Technology allows the consumer many touch points, be it, a spot they saw on TV, tweet from a friend, the actual use of the product or the many other gateways available to them when they are stimulated to engage with a brand. Our role as creative technologist, digital strategist or whatever label works for now, is to find the connections between consumer trends, motivations and technology then draw from personal and outside source expertise to create or recognize a good idea. Thus every tech company is constantly thirsty for talent and people with half the skills they need end up creating a huge percentage of our technology. I've thought of myself as a creative technologist for the past 5 years (in fact that was my first job title as a flash dev). Recently when I've been trying to hire for a creative technologist position I've been on the look out for coders definitely, but if they don't have any creative skills then I move on. Anyone who actually CAN build interesting things should probably forget agency world altogether and go build something of value themselves, instead of banging their heads against the brick walls in these outdated institutions. Developing interesting/useful technology is rarely possible within the framework of marketing deadlines/budgets anyway. I came from a smaller web shop” type company to a real creative agency that did work for massive clients. I have worked on sites that attract massive traffic and understood about scaling, distrubuted server technologies and writing code for performance as much as simply making it work. This helps me then in my agency life where I have to sit in meetings or pitches with clients and extract their needs (creatively) against the best technologies for purpose and compose technical specification documents and work on the ux of creative ideas (wireframe, IA type roles) to take the project forward. So I read your post, your description of a creative technologist and I though that's what I do, that's my skill”. I can develop, to a high standard, and I keep up on what to do and how to do it. But my real value to my company is I have over 12 years experience in doing that and I come from a creative background. I spend my time thinking about strategy, concerning myself with design, business and code. I always thought this was a weakness but now I feel it's a strength because when I walk into a client with a thousand strong dev team I can sell in creative ideas and direction with a solid technology background. Wish I had read this over the weekend, so I would've had time to write a proper response, however, I must say that even though some of the points you make are right on the spot, it seems like you value development skills way more than the creative ones. The way I see it, a CT should fundamentally act as the bridge between creative and dev, making sure both departments understand each other. Augmenters because we can help creatives extend their ideas through a mix of creative + strategy + tech knowledge. We need to be the right mix between a Tech Director and a Creative Director, with a sense of planning & business logic, topped by a dash of insanity and optimism. Ultimately, Creative technologists should be the ultimate ‘yes men', enabling creatives and developers by finding creative solutions to old and new problems. I couldn't find a job I liked so I left to make my own two years ago, splitting my time between R&D in my downtime between freelance gigs.I haven't once been tempted to come back to an ad agency. I think part of the issue is misunderstanding what the definition of creative technologists” is. In your definition of creative technologists” I would suggest those people may actually be better suited for agencies trying to make the switch because they can talk two languages. Ideally the creative technologist” would either become a better creative or a better coder. I don't necessarily mean that creative techs” should focus on becoming a better coder or better creative though - I'm in favour of breadth rather than over-specialised depth, and clearly particularly so for the hybrids we're talking about. Having started and ran a small ‘mobile creative production house' for 3 years its obvious that older/larger (and small ones) still don't understand that consumers have changed along with how you need to communicate with them. Creative technologists or whatever you want to call them leave a lot to be desired, sure. The creative coder” I talk about is all about breadth as well as depth, and definitely not about excessive focus on technique over content. My point is very much rather to emphasize that strong code should be considered a core competency for the role commonly referred to as creative tech” - and that the over-use and generalization of the label, including the (apparently widely-recognized, given a lot of the responses here and elsewhere) proliferation of self-described creative techs with weak or no coding skill, has led to the gradual erosion of its meaning and value. The same should go for creative technologists” or whatever the word would be. Unfortunately, in this fast-paced field, it's almost impossible to become fluent in one field without becoming obsolete in another. Firstly it is true that the job title Creative Technologist sucks but then so do many others. Conversely, not too many creatives” are writing elegant, consumer-empowering code.
"Creative Writing Help" And Grammar Software
Reviewed by khalil chelbi
12:46:00 AM

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