future tech

When it comes to listing people who are enemies of the future, Elon Musk would seem the last person to make the cut.
In fact, they have taken the opportunity to establish their Swiss subsidiary after buying Skybotix in September (a small company of five engineers coming from ETH, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Z?rich).
Smart ovens, living carpets, robot butlers and beds that remind you to have sex – then make themselves. Welcome to your home of tomorrow. future home. Welcome to your low-energy hi-tech future home.
What we know about Hacking Team shows that this new approach is fraught with technological, moral, and legal issues getting scant attention even as access to these tools becomes standard.
The future's happening so quickly that I wanted to get a glimpse of its trajectory, an idea of where all these personal-tech gadgets and Internet-of-Things conduits are leading us.
future tech future tech Reviewed by khalil chelbi on 2:21:00 AM Rating: 5

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